Luiz Airton Saavedra de Paiva is a Medical Doctor (MD) graduated in 1974 from Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes - UMC (School of Medicine at University of Mogi das Cruzes), in São Paulo. He joined by civil service exam in the Forensic Doctor carreer in 1975. A college professor since 1985. Master (MSc.) and Doctor (PhD.) in Science from Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo - USP (School of Medicine at University of São Paulo). Full member from Academia Nacional de Medicina Legal (National Academy of Forensic Medicine) since 2013. Luiz Airton was the director of Forensic Anthropology Departament from Instituto de Medicina Legal de São Paulo (São Paulo Forensic Medicine Institute). Medical head from Instituto Médico Legal de Guarulhos (Guarulhos Forensic Medicine Institute) for a long time, where he was responsible for Forensic Anthropology expertise from 1988 to 2013. Full Forensic Medicine Professor at Faculdade de Medicina do Centro Universitário São Camilo – CUSC (School of Medicine at São Camilo University Center). Luiz Airton is also founder and director of Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa em Ciências Forenses - IEPCF (Institute of Teaching and Research in Forensic Sciences), where he develops and guides researches, mainly in Forensic Anthropology. Member of Associação Brasileira de Medicina Legal – ABML (Brazilian Association of Forensic Medicine) and Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropologia Forense – ALAF (Latin American Forensic Anthropology Association). He is the “Identidade Sexual e Transexualidade” (Sexual Identity and Transexuality) book co-Editor and he is author of some books chapters and many scientific articles in Brazilian and international journals.